IHPT-06 - 7.5oz Loopwheel Plain Crew Neck Pocket T-Shirts
@neph93 size down? You clearly have your moobs under control…
Never skip bench day
I find t-shirts the most hit and miss thing to order online as there (that and footwear).
Agreed. The variation in how tees are cut and sewn together is massive for such a simple item. Also a good t-shirt fit is a personal thing, which is why I went into detail on mine. I think you're right to focus on length first. Good luck.
@neph93 indeed. The acceptable t-shirt spectrum seems to run between 'Chicano gang member' and early 90s sensation 'right said Fred'. The middle ground is a hinterland of hits and misses!
I'll bow to common sense and measure my best fitting tee and submit them with an order.
@Giles hmm, I'm a 44 in TFH but I don't even know if that is the standard or European 'R' fit. The chest ptp measure 23, opening is 22, and length 27 after the material relaxed. In IH I am generally an xxl in tops. I'll do as I suggest above and place an order with preferred measurements. What's the worst that can happen? Return for another size.
Thanks for the advice
@Giles Any more restocks on this one? Lost my navy somehow, would love to replace it. No idea how I lost it, pretty hard to lose a t-shirt
Anyone else lost IH gear?
Anyone else lost IH gear?
Couple of near misses but nothing gone yet. I dread the day. I did loose my SFK leather bracelet a while back but was able to replace it, thankfully.
Anyone else lost IH gear?
Not specifically IH but I lost my Good Art HLWYD Shazam whilst in Stockholm
EDIT: I was with @Alex many beers had been consumed
Still would feel like a triple hangover… ??? :o
@Giles Any more restocks on this one? Lost my navy somehow, would love to replace it. No idea how I lost it, pretty hard to lose a t-shirt
Anyone else lost IH gear?
Nothing planned at the moment, but t-shirts have a habit of appearing with little warning…
Well hot damn, that is a nice surprise. Thanks for the heads up @AdamC
Finally have a pocket tee coming now!!