Iron Heart - USA
Oh yeah…you wanted an answer
I just shipped a pair of chinos back to a US vendor and it was about 8 dollars. I guess it will depend on weight and how far it's being shipped but I would say it's in the 7-15 dollar range? That's using USPS.
I just used USPS to Ship a pair of bike wheels approx 9 lbs including packaging and it cost the buyer about $83.
Small stuff USPS Priority is usually $7-$10
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Wow!! Just saw this thread. Very interesting to me being a Southern California Native and life long motorcycle and auto racing enthusiast, also totally obsessed with Iron Heart. What does this mean will there be a Iron Heart brick and mortar presence here in So Cal? Self Edge is great (they turned me on to you guys) but when I see pictures of the IH Japanese retail shop they look awesome very much motorcycle oriented it makes me want to take a trip to Japan just to check out those stores. Well I’m right here in So Cal a few miles north of Long Beach let me know if you guys need a local who is part of the MC scene here in California to lend a hand! No BS. yours truly Marty”Crowbar”Nation
I do a lot of EBay sales and purchases for clothing I use USPS and for a pair of 21oz jeans in the lower 48 states is about 7 to 12 US dollars if that’s helpful
I’m excited about the Iron Heart Racing brand sounds right on point and the So Cal aspect of it makes sense hey this is where drag racing was invented and the whole performance Harley-Davidson scene started here. go on YouTube and put Harley wheelies in the search and all those video are shot in California by Californians with California riders️️ ok I am a little biased to Calif ️️