DWC2 - Picture Updates Thread
May 19 update. Everyone’s jeans are looking so strong. Looking forward to beating these up all summer. Maybe I’ll come close to an indigo pair [emoji23] Happy fading! Fit pics coming… eventually...
Damian Kofi says hi! And sorry he’s not sleeping so papa can get some more denim time
Aww he’s beautiful. Congrats @Fadez
Just got minor repairs #s 4 and 5. About to get wash #2.
@cander49 looking awesome!
Another couple of months, another wash on my IH-888-NT's. Prolly 14+/- months wear at this point, and as many washes.
@cander49 you're a jeans-destroying beast!
Haha, thanks but these are the least destroyed jeans I've ever had at this point (18 or 19 months I guess?). Yours look great too!
I know - I've seen what you've done to other jeans in the past, LOL
after seeing the other entries and the phenomenal wear and fades I should just bow out graciously. tho i do have 4 months. :o
just finished 6th bucket/woolite dark soak.
A nice pair
(Pink Floyd reference) -
Post wash. The contrast is completely insane.
Wow I was wondering what they were going to look like after a wash. Amazing!
@mikebarhoot Thanks buddy. And a Pink Floyd reference always appreciated.
@cander49 Those look out of this world. Just wow.