Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
How about camo cargo shorts?
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Ooh, the camo pattern they made for a couple of items before would make rad shorts IMO, though IH has played with tiger stripe and other patterns too:
I've been wanting an off-white denim vest lately. The only company that makes a decent one is Carhartt WIP, however their version is made of canvas and the cut is puffy looking. I think a cream colored 21oz type III vest would be awesome. I would buy one right now if it were available.
As you know, I would buy all kinds of Shorts. Preferably olive drab and swedish camo (like above). Also offwhite / Ecru would be cool.
Greg Noll vibe?
A wrangler style jacket would be a cool alternative to all the type IIIs
Agreed: more SBG!
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