Random Announcements
That’s what I’m talking about. Greasy 100 year old
Pizza joint. -
My family & I are relocating to France for a year (on the Eastern side of Paris, in Val-de-Marne, where I'm from). The not so fun part is that I need to deal with the estate of my parents. The good part is that my son will have the experience to live in the house I grew up in and go to the same school I went to. Hopefully, he'll come out of it fully bilingual.
The darkest automobile.
Is it possible to get clothes made from this color?
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Ah, the joys of parenting. Always fun to discover a booger stuck to the back of the bathroom door courtesy of my son. Gotta love kids
Gotta love kids
I do love them, but I can never eat a whole one…
In other news I have a big party next weekend, and absolute nothing to wear.... [emoji1781]
Gosport judges might…
Gotta love kids
I do love them, but I can never eat a whole one…
In other news I have a big party next weekend, and absolute nothing to wear.... [emoji1781]
Show up naked in revolt to the slaves of fashion. Theres still time to get a IH patch tat on yer right cheek.
This was in my google news feed on msn
https://www.japanalogue.com/giles-padmore/ -
Show up naked in revolt to the slaves of fashion. Theres still time to get a IH patch tat on yer right cheek.
Couple of tempting suggestions there. You’ve got me thinking…
In the States 1638 is a long time ago.
No one could steer me right but mama tried.
“Sometimes things end the way they began. Suddenly.”
The job search begins.