DWC2 - Picture Updates Thread
Some great looking pairs here, fella's!
Fit pic from mid-August 2019. This is how I wore them through the summer. Massive double cuff high-water's. Rarely wore shoes or socks this summer. Was freakin' hot!
I work at a standing desk, so I don't sit much. I didn't get high-contrast whickers and combs like a lot guys did on they're UHR's. Mostly they're just shed indigo and are kinda pale.
6-ish weeks from last wash, and for another ride in the washing machine they go. They aren't really dirty as I've been a desk jockey the past couple of months. They'll get one more wash at the end before they're hung up for retirement. Not much noticeable change in fades since last post. The vent hole keep getting bigger.
A couple minor repairs needed, but plenty of life left.
I posted to IG, but forgot to post here. Update 23
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Unfortunately I broke my arm at the beginning of September, so I’ve not been wearing my DWC pair. I can’t get them or any other IH denim buttoned with one hand due to the weight of the denim! My poor legs…
Apparently also hard to hold the camera still with only one hand, so my full pair shots are blurry. Closeups only.
Just washed
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Shade pics:
Far from clean but I am not putting them in a machine till the competition finishes in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling the spin will just make all the rips and holes bigger. So I just hose them down in the garden to try and get the dust off.
I love how everyone's giving this last push MAX EFFORT! This comp is putting the full potential of heavyweight raw denim on display in all its glory, well worth the time spent.
Last ditch effort for the next week. Heading camping Tues for a few days and will certainly give them a workout coupled with all-temp-a-cheer weather.
Just washed
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Great pair @Brock
Shots at night with a bit of foreground lighting. Can't believe they're at ~2 years!