Nice! [mention]twin [/mention]
Just saw that morel pic.
Did you find more or just the one?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
@Chap you make that guy look like a slob. Im sure he's nice and all, but man, killing it
Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Oh, that’s just clothes, nothing real… he is a super nice guy, a true friend and one of the most progressive biodynamic winemakers (member of the Nicolas Joly’s prestigious Renaissance de Appellation Group https://renaissance-des-appellations.com/en/presentation-return-to-terroir/ ) of the world...
Yes, just meant to draw attention to the stark contrast between the clothes. I agree, clothes are just that. Keep wearing that jacket, just awesomeness.
I'll forward that info to my brother-in-law since he works in the wine business.
Anyway, keep on rocking!
Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Yes, just meant to draw attention to the stark contrast between the clothes. I agree, clothes are just that. Keep wearing that jacket, just awesomeness.
I'll forward that info to my brother-in-law since he works in the wine business.
Anyway, keep on rocking!
Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
@Alex good job, and timely with the up in temperature. Bought one ourselves this week.
Today… Making toilet roll sharks with... Craft Vader
Playing with me new toy