Random questions to which you seek an answer
Good to see that arty guy back
Great to see you @rocket
I should probably know this by now, but any tips on keeping your cuff creases from blowing out? I cuff all my jeans, and after about a year of wear the fabric breaks down and gets a hole at the crease. [emoji848]
I don’t hate it, but was wondering if there is a technique to slow or stop that process?
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I cuff all my jeans, to the extent that I've stopped getting them hemmed at all. I make sure that the bottom edge of the cuff sits about 1 inch off the laces when I wear boots/cons. I also let the cuff down after each wear. Not had an issue yet. I also wash my jeans fairly regularly, as they're clothes right? I know some folks like to leaves theirs unwashed for ages. If mine are dirty, I wash them. I think that also helps prevent excessive cuff wear, for me anyway.
I was wondering the same thing but not with a cuff crease but with the crease I see on almost every heavy (21/25oz) denim jacket or vest across the front and back.
I know this must be from them being folded and shipped from Japan, but when I see evo pics of them with that crease being dominant across the front and back, I think the look would be cleaner aesthetically without it….is there a way to avoid or prevent this ? -
I don't think it is the folding in shipping, I think it is a crease formed by wear. Do you have some specific examples you could point to?
I will try and find a couple of examples
These were the best I could find , but maybe after looking again you are right.
I guess they could just be from wear, but some of these are new with tags.
Its probably no big deal. -
Yes, it could be the way they are packed. We store them on hangers here, but they are folded when shipped to and from us. You could possibly remove the memory of the fold by soaking, drip drying until almost dry and then ironing on the non-face side of the fabric…...
In some cases, the construction of the hand-warmers creates a bulky seam, the fabric on the front of the jacket/vest probably hinges around that and creates a fade high-point....
Yes, it could be the way they are packed. We store them on hangers here, but they are folded when shipped to and from us. You could possibly remove the memory of the fold by soaking, drip drying until almost dry and then ironing on the non-face side of the fabric…...
In some cases, the construction of the hand-warmers creates a bulky seam, the fabric on the front of the jacket/vest probably hinges around that and creates a fade high-point....
Right, I was thinking the same thing–or maybe even with some steam.
Thanks for the info Giles:) -
In some cases, the construction of the hand-warmers creates a bulky seam, the fabric on the front of the jacket/vest probably hinges around that and creates a fade high-point….
It's definitely the hand-warmers that creates the seam. I recall someone posing the same question a couple years ago. The hand-warmer seam is visible on my IHxSE od type III as well as my IHJ-69. I think this is why some customers wanted the traditional type III without hand-warmers - the seam isn't visible.
Personally, the seam doesn't bother me the least bit. I see it as a necessary construction detail.
In some cases, the construction of the hand-warmers creates a bulky seam, the fabric on the front of the jacket/vest probably hinges around that and creates a fade high-point….
It's definitely the hand-warmers that creates the seam. I recall someone posing the same question a couple years ago. The hand-warmer seam is visible on my IHxSE od type III as well as my IHJ-69. I think this is why some customers wanted the traditional type III without hand-warmers - the seam isn't visible.
Personally, the seam doesn't bother me the least bit. I see it as a necessary construction detail.
Just to be clear…this has nothing to do with the fact that I WILL be acquiring one of these in the future
its too late for me–nothing can save me now
Hey Guys,
I have a size question. I want to buy a pair of Alden boots and since I never bought a pair before I want to get an idea on how their size runs. I am a 10D in Wesco's, Wolverines 1000Miles and Redwings, should I stick with 10D in Alden?
anyone have any idea on my question above?
anyone have any idea on my question above?
You're probably best off enquiring at one of the other forums. For example,