Cut a Christmas tree with the boys up near Mt. Hood
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In the mid 19th century, dozens of forts and defences were built around the southern coast on England. This was a reaction to the perceived threat of invasion by the French. They were the costliest land-based defences ever built in Britain during peacetime. They are collectively now known as Palmerston’s Follies (none of them ever fired a shot in anger), Lord Palmerston being the Prime Minister at the time.
We have a load of them in and around Gosport.
The one that currently interests me the most is:
The local angling club, which I am hoping to join, if they’ll let me in :o, has the fishing rights to the moat. Paula and will go and check it out today - photo's to follow. It holds a good head of carp, tench, pike and perch, so I will be found here quite a bit through the winter….
As an aside, Fort Gomer was demolished in the mid 60’s and housing was built on the site.
In typically useless and haphazard Gosport and Fareham local council fashion, they had not realised that the ground the fort was built on was effectively a marsh and the housing built on the site has suffered systemic creeping-damp ever since.
Crummy shots of beautiful scenery.
Sumner, WA
Think the Canada geese were grubbing up pumpkin seeds but this city slicker is just guessing. A murder of crows were also having a hay day further afield.
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Photos of beautiful scenery from all around the world is one of my favourite things about this forum
Aside from pics and info about IH items of course.
Photos of beautiful scenery from all around the world is one of my favourite things about this forum
Aside from pics and info about IH items of course.
The low key, everyday global aspect of this place is great. I could stand to see even more of where everyone lives. Natural scenery, cityscapes, the lot.
Your wish is my command… took some friends from Texas out of the water today -
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Since you asked so politely, neph:
In case you were uncertain, this is not San Antonio. I was in Park City, Utah for a few days. I specialize in taking hideous pictures of beautiful places. -
Since you asked so politely, neph…
I am nothing if not polite, you bald git.
I’m loving all the blue sky I’m seeing. I had a few hours of home office this morning and strolled into work at 11am. This is as light as it gets in a nice day now.
@goosehd the thing I was talking about on another thread is nicely illustrated here. The whole sun is not above the horizon but the little of it that is, is obscured by the mountains to the south. In late January it is fun to follow its trajectory in the middle of the morning as it seems to skitter just behind and on top of the peaks.
Oh shit! Chris you did a good job! Very disgusting pic! It deserves a medal![emoji122]
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Thank you. It's rewarding to have my hard work recognized.
That’s a full washer
That’s also a lot of white…. and you have kids!! [emoji43]
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