FARGO S04… Eps 8 and 10 were fantastic... Can't wait for the final on Monday...
I also can't wait to binge the three last THE MANDALORIAN eps I haven't watched yet... Hoping for more Frog lady...
Too lazy to move to the movie forum, but I'm re-watching A SERIOUS MAN (Coen bros)... Seriously: how utterly brilliant is that flick...
I've been watching a lot of Superstore lately. It's a fun, lightweight show that occasionally manages to sneak in some interesting societal observations.
Absolutely classic…..
THE EXPANSE is great but there's a difference between S01 and 02… So stick with it, is what I'd advise...
…and 3 and 4 !
Clone Wars season 1 is only ok. I've heard it gets better, and the subsequent show, Rebels, is supposed to be really good.
(I just started watching, too)
Subsequent show?.. I thought CLONE WARS ended this year?.. And I see REBELS started in 2014?.. Just trying to wrap my head around it…
CW started about 11 years ago and there was a hiatus. The started Rebels (which I haven't seen) in the meantime, then came back to finish CW.
I don’t think so, no. Chronologically Rebels happens after CW by about 14 years, just before the events of Rogue One and Ep.IV.
CW is more or less all inbetween ep.II and ep.III. with the exception of the last series some of which happens at the same time as ep.III or just after.