The 3rd Monday of January is supposed to be the most depressing, or something like that.
@filthy this may help…
Yeah, I agree with the sentiment of the article. I am in a relatively good mood today. At least pretty much the same as I am every other day.
Interesting @Giles. Blue Monday is definitely a) a symptom of # generation, and almost exclusively a Northern Hemisphere phenomenon, for obvious seasonal reasons.
I agree with the interviewee too, I'm torn between the label raising awareness of mental health, but somehow diminishing the very real difficulty it causes many people in their lives.
I have an antidote… Just try not to smile
That little girl is so precious.
The rest of the family ain't too bad either.
More or less a joke band, but the songs are catchy.
@Graham I love Elder
I got kind of burned out on them but you gents would like The Sword as well.
RIP Tony Rice
@Filthy A couple good buddies of mine are in Gatecreeper. Have you checked them out? They just put out a new release last week.