I will certainly check that out asap @Oaktavia I only brought that up because the second record (don't remember what color) is like super uplifting. That Hum album seems uplifting and had an optimistic sound to it.
Ah, gotcha. Let me know what you think of Valkyrie when you get a chance.
I am not keen on the singer, but the musicianship is pretty great.
I saw Anti-Flag play in Pittsburgh more that a few times @Appfaff it's awesome you like that kind of music!
What fun memories! Yeah, punk bands were notorious for showing up to house parties back in the day - I somehow attended a few, but never with the big names like you did!
One funny story of my own.. I used to be friends with a lot of up an coming bands in DFW that never quite made it, and one of them
Opened for this little band in Austin who had been touring in anticipation of a new album. After the show, we all went down to a bar (they used to sneak me in as I was 18 at the time) and the leader singer started buying us all shots.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's pretty cool. I guess it's because of my genuinely sincere naive fanboyism, but I have gotten to talk to or hang out with a lot of famous punk/metal people. I got to meet Less Than Jake one time, but it was super awkward and I was there with this girl that hated them… so they signed my poster and went away. I tried asking them to play one of my favorite songs and they weren't allowed.
@Filthy It's interesting how a band can sound great until the vocals start. There are a lot of similar bands out there that have a great sound that can be ruined by lyrics. Kind of like how a cartoon could have a great story, but the animation style can ruin it. Not sure if that makes sense…
I dig Hum though. Listened to that album you posted all the way through. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, a lot of singers have that Nickleback Chad Kroger sound. The guy in Baroness sounds that way too.
Listening to an old Destroyer album today
Love this thread!!!
Enjoyed this tonight…
THE BEAT!![emoji3590][emoji3590][emoji3590]
My 33’ is still in France…with many others!
Oh mate! Touché! U’ve no idea!
I’d never stopped to listen them!!
3 years ago came to Oslo, The Selecters and...The Beat!! Amazing night!Rankin Roger died few months later...[emoji20]
Unity! Hiphiphip hurraayyy
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One of my favorite bands from the last decade is the Japanese crust punk outfit Effigy. It's awesome to hear all the different musical influences in their music. Everything from Amebix to Doom and Disclose, then Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, and even maybe a little Van Halen in the guitar solos.
The guitar solor in the second half of this song is incredible:
Skip ahead to about 1:25 over the Exorcist music
Midway through this song there's definitely a Seasons in the Abyss Slayer breakdown
Unity! @hajduk and @organisys
Posted a thanks somewhere deep inside this Forum!Thanks @Filthy
The Beat …
And just for you @hajduk
‚The Beat‘ earlier…
@neph93 they sound even better with a few drinks on a saturday night
@Filthy , thanks for the update on Hum. I was a fan of theirs, in the mid-to-late 90s. Out of nowhere, they stopped putting out new music. There stuff never quite caught on. I figured I'd never hear anything from them, again. Here's a couple "recognizable" ones, from that era…..
@Filthy , thanks for the update on Hum. I was a fan of theirs, in the mid-to-late 90s. Out of nowhere, they stopped putting out new music. There stuff never quite caught on. I figured I'd never hear anything from them, again. Here's a couple "recognizable" ones, from that era…..
Yeah I hadn't heard of them until last week. I was surprised to see they were an older band because they kind of sound like Millennials. Either way good stuff.
I am in a terrible funk the last few days. Stuff like this kind of cheers me up. Idk why
I wish Phil's voice still sounded like this. I guess one's voice can only take so much of a beating?