What WERE You Wearing - Fit Pics From The Past
Doesn’t it mate, 10 years ago this year I believe.
I just want those pastel down jackets and vests to make a comeback!!!
Glorious photos filled with great memories crew - I was a lurker at the time most were taken, but I am Enjoying them nonetheless
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Your fit pic taking skills have improved somewhat in the last decade @Giles
^exhibit A, those boots are stunners btw.
YES!! That vest!!
I remember the SE model rocking a downsized one over a T and thought that was the coolest sh*t ever.
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Ben's gotten taller. I've just gotten fatter.
@Megatron1505 knows what this is like.
@Chris , the struggle is real yo
@zhivago , ok you win. I’ll trade your bus of babes for a brick alley in middle England
Ok, time for the big guns
New York subway, Warriors style, @Giles @Madame Buttonfly @DougNg @seawolf @tvshooter @Chris , I know that I’m missing loads of people but I can only remember your real names not your forum names
I’m looking at you Jeff, Mike and RP.
Left to right: @derivative666, @RP, @tvshooter, @DougNg, @Madame Buttonfly, @seawolf and wife, me, @emceeQ, @Giles.
October-ish, 2012