IH Patches
@Giles would a chanille patch of the bell logo ever be considered to be made?
I quite like the simpler bell logo
That Denim Forever patch is gold. How do you get one of those?
On my 526N
I always liked that one. I don't think there are many of them around.
that's so cool @RoxRocks86 , and matching colours
Same patch as @RoxRocks86 on the same denim!
Thanks @endo and @Cutlasshound
@Oaktavia 19oz lht patch twin!
…@Cutlasshound how cool is that?! Nice job! Reeaall Cooooll.
…doh!!! Thats RoxRocks86!! Should of known! Trailblazer you are.
If anyone calls him a fake Texan twat, it is fine by me, because he is exactly that. But if anyone casts other aspersions or slanders @Chris in anyway, I will hunt them, I will track them down and I will issue a stern verbal reprimand. He is a saint, a gentleman, and a fine, upstanding, throbbing, glistening, member….. (of this community).
After I tactlessly drooled over some of his deadstock IH patches he went right ahead and sent me some. Thank you so much buddy.
That IH Army one was a contest prize, def a rare bird….
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Glad you got em.
Your kind, thoughtful words have warmed my heart. Truly, no finer example of a gentleman exists.