IHC-06 - 21oz Indigo Denim Cap
@Giles Can you please make these again?
Does anyone have one for sale? Thanks.
Just picked up one of these from eBay
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Seriously?!? Wtf. UK EBay?? Cause I would’ve copped that instantly, but I haven’t seen one. Sell it to me!! Lol
Sold by someone in Gosport…
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Here’s an idea:
Since y’all bought up the excess 25oz. Use it for “Caps, Coasters & Charity” where you make coasters and caps out of the excess denim and sell EVERYTHING, and then do it for a good cause…
25oz ihc-06...
Edit: And then, in the name of Conservation, someone needs to be tasked with doing something with the endless amount of hemming cutoffs...I volunteer...or you might consult Ian Berry (@ianberry.art on Instagram) in the UK to do some unique collaboration...
Edit2: OR, in the name of research and development, channeling @Giles experiment with outdoor leather treatment evolution for the Obenaufs product. Sew up the hemming scraps into a beautiful arrangement and then place it outside to age gracefully with the elements and times…
Edit3: Make a denim-cut-off washboard. And then scrub your jeans with the washboard and then wash it all together and watch the washboard age
@Brock I think you should sell it to me instead
I can’t Mike! I love it too much! Sorry dude [mention]Filthy [/mention]
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I was only kidding.
Any chance these gem's will be making a come back for SS23?
Or just wishful thinking?
Any chance these gem's will be making a come back for SS23?
Or just wishful thinking?
Been asked for so many times, and if the gang could, they would. The original maker is no more however and sourcing a new producer that can do it to the required quality is hard.