@Joberwocky can't add anything else that the others haven't said, they look spot on to me!
Well, I wore them to work today, and regardless of feeling a little like a goober, the 21oz denim is awesome. I only have one of the 12oz indigo shirts and a pair of XHSib in terms of IH denim, the 21oz feels like a treat
They get so crazy soft, you wouldn't believe it.
Well, I wore them to work today, and regardless of feeling a little like a goober, the 21oz denim is awesome. I only have one of the 12oz indigo shirts and a pair of XHSib in terms of IH denim, the 21oz feels like a treat
Well, I wore them to work today, and regardless of feeling a little like a goober, the 21oz denim is awesome. I only have one of the 12oz indigo shirts and a pair of XHSib in terms of IH denim, the 21oz feels like a treat
100% - I've got a few bits of 21oz but the 805 gave me a whole new appreciation of it, I think largely down to the relaxed fit. Glad you're enjoying them, and you definitely don't look a goober
I've got a friend at work that keeps calling me "denim chicken" after It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but otherwise I got over my trepidation fairly quick about rocking these mean overalls. I did adjust the straps a bit more when I got home (I'm a bit obsessive and wanted to shorten them up by about an inch while keeping the adjusters nice and even, painters tape was involved
). Next I'll fuss over if I want to keep rolling out the Japanese cuff or take a page out of @Filthy 's book and go big ol cuff
Team big cuff all the way
@Joberwocky the fit in your 805’s are perfect! Not too big at all. I’m team cuff so any cuff is a good cuff
props to you for wearing them to work as well. Your bravery has convinced me to put them to work tmrw. Just hoping it doesn’t get too warm 🥵
@RoxRocks86 well, after I saw you take the plunge and get a pair of 805's, the fomo was real. I, too, wanted to be able to walk my dogs in unquestionably the most overbuilt overalls I've ever seen! Still blown away by how soft they are.
While any work I'll be doing won't be nearly as punishing as any of your posts have displayed (I work in a cabinet making shop but find myself more responsible for the design side of things recently) it was a great opportunity to get the new denim out for a inaugural wear. It was 94 and miserably humid today, I'm glad I found myself indoors for most of it. Riding in an old 94 Jeep with no AC, I'm also glad i have a relatively short commute to have committed to 42oz of denim on my legs!
I really appreciate the kind words from everyone, being pretty new to the whole scene the comradery of this community has been super welcome. -
To my fellow Brethren: Williamsburg Garment Company will hem unwashed jeans and overalls. If you decide you meant to hem your bibs…
You wouldn't believe how many messages I have received like this in the last few months.
Glad your overall lifestyle has encouraged others, including myself, to get out there and give them a go, @Filthy . While the weather isn't ideal for them right now, I keep trying to find excuses to get out in them. Will be a bit before I put enough wear on them to be noteworthy
Being a member of this forum and the Brotherhood has been possibly the most fulfilling experience I've had in my entire life. I'm not kidding. I talked to forum members yesterday for about six hours. I am actually texting a guy from Los Angeles rn.
Also, yeah they will get really comfortable in about two months of every day wear. I broke mine in wearing sweatpants under them and shoveling snow.
Also, yeah they will get really comfortable in about two months of every day wear. I broke mine in wearing sweatpants under them and shoveling snow.
I was just thinking today how they'd be perfect snow shoveling pants, and how easily they'd fit over my snow boots
Facts: overalls also make good dog beds
Being a member of this forum and the Brotherhood has been possibly the most fulfilling experience I've had in my entire life. I'm not kidding. I talked to forum members yesterday for about six hours. I am actually texting a guy from Los Angeles rn.
These are good people in these parts and you're one of them, Mike. I've been having a tough time this week (my dad's in the hospital here in Texas) and coming on here and leaving messages and interacting with you all has been a bright spot.
Sending you a text