Random Announcements
I wonder if anyone has the fortitude to show up to the IH 20th party wearing them.
If you want to pay for them I'll wear anything
They could improve with GAH bling.
Just when you thought you’d seen everything…
Any chance od persuading Haraki San to knock a few pairs of these out in 25oz?
I could see a certain forum member in these. I forget his name but I refer to him as "He who never misses an opportunity to show his magnificent thighs".
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They could improve with GAH bling.
You shouldn't have written that, I bet now @neph93 is allready doing the calculations.
I realy hope I can unsee this. ??? -
They could improve with GAH bling.
You shouldn't have written that, I bet now @neph93 is allready doing the calculations.
I realy hope I can unsee this. ???Don't worry… Ingrid would get the knife out
Might get them for Ingrid as bedroom wear… [emoji2960]
I nuked my Instagram account yesterday. So if you have the urge to message me, please do so here. Sorry/thanks.
Idk if you remember me saying I was going to take a break a while back. But I am taking a break. Too many notifications, porn bots and stuff. Like I mentioned ear buds to a friend and all the sudden I have ads popping up for earbuds, and then constant notifications like, "Suzy Fuckface, who you might know is on IG". And you can't turn them completely off. And if I were to block all notifications then when people send me messages I won't know. So I just disabled it.
I'll probably come back eventually. But I never did get any time off because we're playing catch-up from COVID-19 and like all the jobs that cancelled last year are back on all at once. So I am averaging about 85 hours a week and maybe one day off every two weeks or so.. you might remember I had an account with like 500 followers a couple years back and I had like 500 followers after a couple months this time.
But I will continue to be here at my favorite place ever same as usual as much as possible.
Congrats on that. We all need to de-stress and blocking the quiet but constant beckoning of social media is a great way to do it.
Had to scroll up for a second, was worried by fellow bibbed brother was bowing out. Kudos for bailing on Instagram, I personally ignore 99% of social media, but you guys on here are golden!
@Filthy Thanks dude. I asked because I’ll
miss you on there, but having read your reasoning I fully support your decision and salute the swift execution of your will.However I’m always fascinated by individual relationships to SoMe. I jibbed FB a few years back and it was glorious. I enjoy IG and feel like I am in control of my usage (I rarely comment or chat and mostly post outfit pics and just hit the like button). Apart from that it is this place and that is all she wrote.