Our Cars (dream or actual)
Added a James Baroud tent, tunnel, awning, and awning walls to my FJ. Still waiting on a couple of other pieces of gear to more or less complete the build.
For whatever reason, I am pretty into the old Volvo 240s. Maybe its because my dad had a lot of them when I was young, or the fact one was my first car, or the fact that they're quite literally, just a car with not a whole lot of electronics. Anyways, a friend of a friend was selling her 1992 Volvo 240 wagon, and today I picked it up. Needs some light maintenance, but other than that, its pretty damn solid.
In one of the photos you can see our other wagon, however it won't be with us longer as it is super rusty and is suited for a better life in Ohio. Our 88 240 sedan is at my dads, but hopefully before the gold wagon is sold we can manage to get a photo of all 3 together.
@sethatwork great cars, my first was a beige ‘84 240 sedan in 2000, drove it until it was up over 250k miles. How many miles have yours done?
@QuantumMechanic that is fucking sick. Kudos, I know you'll have amazing adventures in that FJ!
@sethatwork great cars, my first was a beige ‘84 240 sedan in 2000, drove it until it was up over 250k miles. How many miles have yours done?
this burgundy one has over 250k with a broken odo i have to fix, gold wagon has over 198k with a broken odo, and our blue sedan had over 123k with a broken odo for over 10 years before we just fixed the odo gear
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Thanks @Seul & @mclaincausey I just put on some LP6 fog lights and am awaiting headlights to arrive from LA. They've been stuck with US customs for 3 weeks but should be in British Columbia shortly.
I'll post more pics.
Wife is working with the Porsche 911 Owners Club. They do various tours where they bring most of their model range and let the drivers rotate through them on scenic drives. Not one of these has more than 20 miles on it.
Pretty ladies all in a row
I’m a little nervous about how they parked my car (
Crowd favorite is the Panamera Turbo S. That picture didn’t turn out.
I just returned from a week in the mountains overlooking the ocean.
The build continues.
I will soon have a triple battery system. This will be coupled with a highly efficient mil-spec 120W solar blanket. My Snomaster fridge should be here next week.
That is an amazing set up you have there…can imagine overlooking the ocean with this rig must be the best.
Thanks! It has been a fun build that is for sure. Only a couple of things left to do really. Install new headlights, backseat delete and perhaps more armour underneath.
Here was the view by the beach.
Morgan have a new version of their Three Wheeler in the works for next year. It's moving onto a Ford Fiesta engine from the old S&S V-Twin. Less rock and roll, but more power.
Autocar has a first look article.
I once went for a ride in an original, with the Matchless engine and hand throttle. At 30pmh you feel like you are travelling at warp-speed!
Was fixing the rear hinge wiring on the ‘92 245 (because it breaks on every Volvo 240 wagon at some point) and whoever was in here before me did not do a very nice job because the hinge arm was broken off as well as the threads are mushroomed out.And now I have the pleasure of waiting for someone to get home so I can drive a vehicle to grab JB Weld & a longer bolt so I can bite some of the good threads until a replacement comes in the mail. Otherwise I can’t close the hatch [emoji3525]
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…@sethatwork you should look up legendary actor Paul Newman's 'sleeper' Volvo 960!
…400 hp grocery getter!
…this gets me through the snow banks of a Minnesota winter. The Rat Patrol!
…2010 Jeep Wrangler no power windows no power locks 6 speed.
…@sethatwork you should look up legendary actor Paul Newman's 'sleeper' Volvo 960!
…400 hp grocery getter!
Yeah; it’s been my dream. There’s a 1 year only model of the 960 called the V90 that is still RWD where they gave it independent rear suspension. I look at auto tempest once a day to see if any pop up, as well as 850r wagons. I’ve got a 16v DOHC head for a Volvo red block. Throw a turbo on it and with low pressure should be able to clear 250hp. Would be nice to get a v90 and a turnkey LS3 :))
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