Random Announcements
More like 19/5. Skipping breakfast, then a small breakfast for lunch and a big dinner. When I go back to work it will probably be a big breakfast and lunch, then no dinner. I also don't want to lose too much weight, so I might just go back to normal when I am working, then do this when I am off.
I stick with mostly 16/8 and a few longer ones here and there. Done a few 24hrs which were easier than I expected. I find it easier when I am actually at work. My energy levels are great.
[mention]spitfiredealer [/mention] [mention]Filthy [/mention] +1 for the intermittent fasting regimen. My wife and I started doing 16/8 about 8 months ago mostly for the health benefits and we’ve both been pleased with the noticeable results. Not necessarily weight loss but overall well being. It has been easier than I expected as well. I miss breakfast sometimes but I make up for it by eating breakfast food at lunch.
They looks fantastic @goosehd - fermenting?
Very nice! I tried to grow scotch bonnets this year om a windowsill but my cat had other ideas and trashed the poor things before they had a chance to produce anything
IF rocks… 16/8 here breaking fast from 11-7. I feel better and body composition did improve including loss of fat. I view its main benefits as being outside of the weight loss but it really helps with that if you’re an all day grazer like me.
@goosehd that looks like a magazine cover, beautiful product and shot!
IF rocks… 16/8 here breaking fast from 11-7. I feel better and body composition did improve including loss of fat. I view its main benefits as being outside of the weight loss but it really helps with that if you’re an all day grazer like me. [mention]mclaincausey [/mention]
This is exactly how I’ve been doing it and I agree 100% with the benefits. Wish I had done it sooner.
No shit Sherlock…..
You think it's obvious, but you just know there are people who ask. Even with the labeling.
This kind of thing is ubiquitous in the US at this point. Nuts may contain nuts and all that…
Super-envious. I'm fighting a losing battle with slugs and snails…...
Have you tried either egg shell or rock salt?
Coffee grounds kill slugs and snails
And make your soil taste good.
Used them this year on my strawberry patch. Very effective.
Coffee grounds kill slugs and snails
And make your soil taste good.
Used them this year on my strawberry patch. Very effective.
I’ve heard this. There is a hipster start up in Oslo recycling coffee grounds from the city’s coffee bars and selling it as a range of products including the above. It also works as fertiliser. Especially effective for mushrooms apparently.