Not limited…..The one that @Chap has, was in our webshop for a few months. @warner gifted me another one for the boat. Drop me a PM if you are interested in getting one…..
@Giles ..after 10 years, Laura has finally decided on a backsplash for the kitchen. Redoing the lights, moving switches is step 1, then fixing holes, repainting, tiling, grouting…..
@Chap I also went to see the trees (but without the stunning hat and haul of mushrooms). One tree clearly wasn’t too pleased to see me but another was much more accommodating. I just sat there surrounded by green for over an hour until my batteries were recharged.
It’s not @Chap , I love these mushroom posts even though I know next to nothing about them. Seems like we have very little knowledge/books/recipes about tropical shrooms than temperate ones. Please keep the mushroom pics, comments and dishes coming!