IHJ-54 - Brown Chrome Tanned Japanese Horsehide Riders Jacket With Collar
Glad I read through this topic. Found some good hangers for my IHJ-64, and I read the posts from @Appfaff missing out on this jacket on sale and in his size only to have it gifted to him for Christmas from his brother? Fun stuff
It’s all love around these parts! Hang in this thread more often!!
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^ righteous ^
Owners! Any updated detail shots of the wear of your jackets? Very curious to the wear of the brown hh in heavy wear areas (cuffs, seat, zippers).
…Is this brown HH also teacore?
I do not believe it is, but I have not seen enough evo on one to truly know, snd mine does not fade at the creases, but the grain has opened up considerably with wear.
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@daltmeyer:Horse hide brown(IHJ-64-BRN, IHJ-54) Great smell, smooth visual texture and hand at first and reveals character and texture later. High shine. Brown ages and can rub off to reveal more brown underneath.
Long time lurker
Looking for some sizing helpI had the opportunity to try on one of these at a pawn shop in Long Beach, CA. It was labeled a 46 and fit me perfectly. Almost too good to pass up… but the price wasn’t right and not being in love with the high shine zippers, I had to pass.
The measurements were spot on.
Trying to figure out how the tag size 46 translates to XXL or XXXL?
Any help?Also, any evo pics since it’s almost been a couple years since anyone’s posted here…
46 is xxxl. 44 is xxl. I have a ihj-64 in brown which I think is the same leather? Maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in. I can post pics later this week. Worn a bunch. The shine dulls and creases set, but jacket hasn’t lost any color. I’d buy another.
@Dstauffer @Appfaff already some evo on your jackets?
@Heavy_blue I am so late on the reply here.....In fact its been such a crazy few years on all levels (COVID, family, career) and I have been so absent from the forum, I need to get back into it (still trying to get used to this new-ish platform).
That said, I have been awful about giving my 54 any love, but its still alive and kicking and has definitely has some wear in the years I've had it- still one of my favorite jackets and I'm debating getting the black version of this and selling my Selfedge rider version, but there is something cool about the straight collar...
I'll see about getting some photos of this guy before it gets put into summer storage
@Heavy_blue Start spamming this thread please
@weftyarn i will
need to get myself some proper photo’s mate! I didn’t know what to expect but what a jacket guys.. amazing! @Giles Thanks for designing this piece of magic! Also @Dstauffer thanks again for chiming in and Emil.. now i finally understand why you love the jacket so much! It’s amazing.. we should invent a new word for it haha!
Not the best version of me
but to get things started! @weftyarn
@T4920 like one republic once sung.. is it too late to apologize?
@T4920 when the stuff is ‘gone’ i know where to look