Iron Heart WAYWT - 2020 Edition
Is that a "Twin-Persuader" on the floor behind you
Haha naw… more like a “magic stick” boy twin found and tried to bring inside... our line was drawn at pine cones in the bureau during quarantine.. no one needs line needles around the living room haha
For what it’s worth, girl twin has magic wands, and boy twin has magic sticks... a more “masculine” version I guess haha
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Headed to thanksgiving dinner in our Christmas kits..
Thankful for this forum today
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Adorable kiddo, man!
IH-634 od
That orange lining is such a touch of genius. Looks wonderful. Quite a watch too @Eisenherz
@sabergirl that is great stuff. What a find and what a fit.
Nice candid work bathroom picture. One day I'll learn how to be a pro like some of you here.
Being a newer member, you probably don't realise that you are carrying on a proud tradition of workplace restroom mirror selfies. All power to you.
Where I live we lose any semblance of daylight for a couple of months a year, add to that regular cycles of low fronts and you end up with a lot of toilet shots.
Shirt looks bloody glorious btw.
Glorious outfit!! I have been fancying a grizzly… but have -7 reasons to own one.
It’s end of Nov and 82F with 78% humidity today...
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