Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
got to chill with a few friends and Ronald.
I thought Ronald was you friend too… -
no Ron is the driver
you will have your chance soon enough el -u r going mc hammer on the next Tour right-.
i'm sure martinchris is cooking something up . . .
^ he's on sabbatical. he shall return once he gets a chance. i was told by his attorney that i could not contact him unless he contacted me first. but i dont worry too much about it, his presence is felt sans his actual posts.
sorry, i am boring. Lol. Anyway, was busy with work, so… might as well just post about work (for now. I will post another post within the next 3 days, I give you my word)
this is my pantry area at work, we have a coffee machine in front and stuff. Quite a nice area. I know it is messy as hell now.
And this is my small office, when 2 departments use, and everyone uses Dell Laptop/Desktop. And almost everyone uses Iphone in my company. We were the first major bank to ditch RIM (blackberry) for Iphone. (honestly Blackberry is still a better business phone)
Another small chillout area, which honestly no one uses. It is short and low, and in the middle of nowhere.
A pic of the jeans!I love Friday (but not as much as Rebecca Black) as I get to wear my jeans to take. (and I didn't have a problem in deciding which seat to sit in)
This is one of the training rooms. I work in the learning and talent development branch, so we conduct trainings for the employees of the bank. So all the trainings and meetings are usually held in one of these training rooms.I know it kind of sucks, as I get to wear my jeans only 2 days in each week.
Anyone can figure out which bank I work in, based on the company colours? haha.
(for now. I will post another post within the next 3 days, I give you my word)
I understand that he is my friend, but he went MIA, despite various reminders that he needs to post something..
I can't bear to see this thread so inactive lately, and seriously speaking, I'm pretty pissed.
if I could fit into the jeans, I would definitely tear down his house apart to snatch the jeans over. And start posting real pics.