IRON CAST by Iron Heart International
Just listened to first episode on a walk. Awesome stuff. Didnt think I would be interested in a podcast about denim but its about much more really. biggest revelation to me is that @Giles pronounces his name like "Jiles" I always pronounced it like "Jeels". Must be the Canadian in me assuming it would sound like the the french Gilles. Anyway, great podcast and looking forward to more.
oh interesting @giles. Im still having a hard time changing my pronunciation in my head reading it now even knowing the correct way. Great words about the forum also. Hard to believe that some people told you it was too "nice" very strange to me but everyone is different I guess.
Really really informative @Giles… I can't think of another brand that allows such a personal insight to the history and ethos of the company, and along with the forum... actually allows your customers to be 'part' of the the IH journey
Only really discovered IH in 2018 - I cant for the life of me think why it took so long to do so!
…wonderful interview Giles!
...thinking you guy's should pump out another round of YouTube videos too! When I was first introduced to Iron Heart the videos were fun to watch!
...on that note I'm going over to buy a shirt!
IHSH-33B pimped with copper snaps!
...Cheer's to Iron Heart!
As a podcast junkie I am so delighted that this came out! Great listen and I agree that a denim polo would be outstanding!
Looking forward to Alex in the next round!
My French friends call me (to my face anyway
:)) Jeel…..(the J sounding like the Zh of Zhivago)
those are good friends…
Oh and the podcast is awesome, great interview with a casual feel. Super stoked this is happening and excited for the upcoming episodes!
This was great to listen to. Another comment to follow.
When @Giles mentioned that there were places that you couldn't / shouldn't wear jeans into reminded me of when I was in Rome 2018,and I walked into this place where Frank Sinatra had eaten at many years ago. I noticed a bunch of noses twitching when I walked in, but my thought was I had spent more on the Iron Heart I was wearing than what the nose twitchers, were wearing.
Good point @ROman –- an entire kit, head to toe( toe being Wesco`s or something similar)
would be between 1,000-1,500 easily I would think:
When I was in Rome I did notice that they people do have a good sense of fashion, but that they were also kind of fashion snobs at the same time. -
The podcast was a perfect duration for 25 miles on the bike. Lots of interesting stuff, having seen very good artists at work I can understand his exacting sense of control. That’s what makes the stuff what it is after all. Also interested then in the future of the designs when H wants to step away. Will be interesting at that point to see how the brand identity evolves. Looking forward to next episode.
Interesting Podcast.
Giles commenting on the Forum particularly intrigued me,as a place where likeminded people who like GOOD things can congregate(sorry I forget the exact wording).
It’s a question that remains unanswered for me,and I have put to many friends/designers/artists over the years.
What is GOOD taste?
I get the form+function of good design,but is good taste only what an individual finds personally tasteful and not embraced bye the masses?