IHSH-246-NIN - 12oz Selvedge Denim Western Shirt – Natural Indigo
I guess it's time for cutting the tag. Can't wait to see how these fade.
It's slightly higher but still doesn't look high enough. I also feel bad for the cuffs. What do you guys do?
Couple of things…
It looks great. Yes it is a little more trim in the shoulder, but if anywhere is going to stretch and relax it is the shoulder. Nor is it too trim. Everything else is bang on. Congratulations!
Regarding cuffs, firstly the arms on IH shirts are often narrow, this is because you don’t want them flapping on a motorcycle, or taking up too much room under a heavy jacket. Persoanlly I have to roll up sleeves whenever I can, unless I’m buttoned up against the cold. I find most sleeves relax with use... unbuttoning the gusset and repeated cuffing means you can get them up to the elbows eventually.
As for feeling bad for them, don’t. I know this gear is expensive but it is made and worn by people who work hard and play hard, normally up to their elbows in crankshaft grease. Treat it like you hate it, and don’t baby it. This is after all how you make it yours. Fades and evolution won’t come from babying the gear.
@gniquil, I need to roll up my sleeves often, and at first had a similar 'problem' with the rather narrow sleeves of the IH shirts (can only speak for western cut). But as @neph93 put it so knowledgeable, they are very well made and you can challenge the fabric and the snaps quite a lot.
Now, I roll them up like this: open the two snaps at the cuff (not the third one), revert by full cuffs width, then one or two times by half cuffs width, finally push up the forearm until it stucks tight. (quite similar to @Lowlander)
May not be what everyone does …
This forum is BAD for my wallet, just bought the IHSH-246-NIN in medium, will post fit pics once it arrives!
No worries @Spencer35 it gets better over time. An IH wardrobe with no money
@RoxRocks86 and @gniquil I don't even have my IH orders yet, but am 2 pair of jeans and 2 shirts in. The struggle is real
Is there any remote chance of a restock on this one? This has been my most worn IH shirts and I would like to second that with another pair. I just need another one!
That would be great! If there is a Small lurking around, please I would like to take it.
Oh! That is great news! Yes, I will definitely take the S, provided they are more or less the same measurements as advertised. Keep me posted please!
If you rely on my memory there is a very good chance that nothing will happen.
And that's the truth Ruth !!
@Giles I just did a Restock Notification. The wait begins! For anyone out there thinking, get this shirt. Period!
Very tempted to check if there is progress on this one?
Wow! That's a great news! I will place an order shortly and leave a note saying that I should get a size S shipped.
The current iteration - Thought of sharing some evolution pics. Shot with my beloved OMD-EM 5 MK II Micro-Four thirds. Not so creamy bokeh, but looks good.
And a few more! The kent added to the fade on the pocket!
Looks very nice @jothishan I enjoy the slow gradual changes on well worn, washed shirts. Nothing dramatic, but very pleasing none the less.