IH-NO-LOT - 21oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Tapered Cut Jeans - Overdyed Black
I was going to suggest that we get in on the Podcast action, something called “Bald Men Fighting Over a Comb”
I’m fairly sure that if we did we’d ruin any reputation this forum has as being a «nice place», quite quickly.
Incidentally the first time I ever encountered that comb reference was an Argentinian author commenting on the nature of the Falklands conflict….
Same, but substitute Valium for Pot Noodles (Bombay Bad Boy)
Just as well. If you took valium with Bombay Bad Boy it certainly would get messy.
I’d like to take a moment to apologise to @sethatwork. You have contributed a worthy, relevant post to this thread only to unwittingly find yourself in the middle of a metaphorical (at least at this point), shitshow.
Apologies @sethatwork , preventative maintenance is always the best way.
Apologies @sethatwork , preventative maintenance is always the best way.
Are you talking about jeans repair or laxatives?
@goosehd , whatever floats your boat my man
Are you talking about jeans repair or laxatives?
Just not at the same time. We're not animals.
Jeans repair and laxatives sounds like a case study in cause and effect.
Hello ALL! First post, sometime lurker…. Understanding that the sizing charts do not tell the entire story, does anyone have experience with the No Lots and the 633's? I love my 633's, but own many of them and am possibly looking for an alternate cut to change it up a bit. Thanks in advance!
If you’re still on the fence I can pics of myself in my 633 v my NOLOTS for a fit comparison.
And this thread has morphed into time warp back to 2012, loving it [emoji1787]
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Jeans repair and laxatives sounds like a case study in cause and effect.
Laxative fades? who wants to be the guinea pig…
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Jeans repair and laxatives sounds like a case study in cause and effect.
Laxative fades? who wants to be the guinea pig…
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There’s a guinea pig
That's enough jollity from you lot
Looking good Ed, that’s a great fit on you.
(in fat lad sizing)