WAYWT - Family and Loved Ones Edition… (pics and anecdotes)
Thanks @Filthy. It was sad since we couldn't visit her because she caught the virus in a nursing home. She was 95 though so we had all been slowly trying to prepare ourselves for her death even before the pandemic.
If I come across any more sweet photos featuring denim I'll post them.
@Palmer while the background to your story is a sad one there's some joy here. That picture is wonderful in every way, but the idea that some of your fam can now be together and do this sort of thing because of the vaccine is excellent. Gives me a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccination is going very slowly here…
Thanks for posting this.
Nice one Max!!
Thank you guys
They grow up really fast
I've spend my summer holiday with the wife and kids in Danmark. This picture is the only one taken that has everyone in it.
Great stuff @scarfmace . I do like that cap btw.
Hey @neph93 thanks for the kind words. when I got to Denmark, I was wearing an Ebbet Fields Flannel basebalcap but it quickly turned out to hot for all day summer wear, so when I visited Blue Caviar in Århus, I picked up this Stetson Trucker and have been wearing it ever since. Perfect for warm sunny weather.
Had dinner with my niece, her husband, and my grand nephew.
Lovely photo @ROman
Looks like someone didn't get the stripey top memo