IHSH-284-IND - 6oz Wabash Short Sleeved Work Shirt - Indigo
Any chance of getting an XL for a friend?
Going for maximum roping and some shrinkage, so I boiled my shirt.
How did it turn out Mike?
I'm drying it on the A/C right now. Probably didn't shrink too much.
Upon closer inspection, seems to have gotten some decent puckering and roping.
Looks good! I hope you got the change in sizing that you need.
Giving them a second boil as I type this…
I gave mine a hand wash on Memorial Day because it was starting to stink pretty bad after the hikes. I was letting it air out in the sun afterwards… didn’t do the job after a week. I did notice a slight shrink but nothing super dramatic. I washed with tap water by hand and then tossed in the dryer on warm to finish drying. I do like how the wabby feels post wash. Looks like it’s going to rain for the next few days here. I’ll get a fit pic up once I go out hiking again in it.
Curious to see how boil part 2 works [mention]Filthy [/mention] Are you just doing a fan dry? Or are you going to put in a machine?
Giving them a second boil as I type this…
How did #2 turn out? What kind of shrinkage in length did you get? Thanks for this
Please let me get back to you about this… I need to find a measuring tape.
This fabric needs to be made in long sleeve.
Thanks [mention]sabergirl [/mention] This shirt is something special. Is all wabby like this? If it is… I’m in trouble
I agree with Ann, this looks like a smaller gauge, finer version of the 12oz. The way the light blue/silvery tones start appearing with a wash is very similar, the smooth flat hand all look right. I’m working in my wabby painter pants right now and they are taking a kicking. Looking forward to showing the results after a wash.