IHSB-BIGBUCK-BLK - Black Deerskin Western Shirt - The Big Buck
Can’t see how you’d get into anything smaller than that! Can you button the bottom button? But, I definitely get the importance of loving your fit to wearing something.
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I can, but my problems are mostly with length. I’ve got about 2 inches that need to come off the sleeve and a few more off the bottom. The lower arms are perfect, but the upper is a bit looser. Honestly it’s not meant for a beefier person, but someone a little taller definitely
Idk, I think the shirt fits you really great @cwcaswell
I mean the sleeves could be an inch shorter, but all IH has the motorcycle rider in mind so the sleeves are longer on purpose.
I'm very jelly.
My shirt just arrived. I am extremely pleased and would recommend this to anyone on the fence. I also can’t thank everyone enough that was involved with this purchase. Giles, Graham, Adam C, Chesson, Adam J., Alex…
I hope I didn’t miss anyone, and sincerely apologize if I have. Outstanding shirt from an outstanding crew!!
Thank you.
Fit pics soon…
Pics or it didn't happen @goosehd
Awesome @goosehd I'm struggling to resist this one
Our saga with the next batch of deerskin continues. Still have not got it here…...
ahhh yes The saga of the long awaited deer skin I’m still kicking myself in the butt for missing the first batch but I’m following closely on the second one, can’t wait !!