16oz Slubby Denim
@Fadez any updates since July?
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=15884.msg698870#msg698870@AdamC will wash his this weekend and we can post progress of those Monday.
@Madame Buttonfly do you know if Giles took his to Morocco? If not we can grab some pics of those too, but you can also see his here:
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=15234.msg704386#msg704386 -
Hey Paula
hope you're swell x @Madame Buttonfly
Hey [mention]Alex [/mention] and everyone. I was actually thinking about this thread and getting back into the slubbies soon. In mid August I got bit by a deer tick and got Lyme disease. Luckily 3 weeks of antibiotics was able to treat that from becoming a really rough time. The unfortunate part of it is that I had a nasty infection about the size of an egg on my leg that resulted in an open wound. It stinks because it’s right on my calf and the 777 cut is so slim that I can’t really wear them without re-opening the wound back up. Generally these deals take about 2-3 months to heal up. I’ve got my follow up with the doc on Tuesday morning of next week. Once I get the go ahead to start hiking again, I’ll be back in full effect. Right now the wound is about the size of smushed dime and about 1/3 of the original size. I’m so grateful for western medicine because I’ve had 2 nasty infections this year. I had a cyst removed from my back January and now the tick bite. I’m so looking forward to getting back out there and thrashing the slubs. I should be able to hit 100 hikes by the time they release!
Get well soon @Fadez this is why I don't go outside