IH-888-XHSBB - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut - Black/Black
chuffed is good in this context yes
[Only issue they're absolute (white) cat fluff magnets
Yes I can relate with two golden retriever puppies who shed like CRAZY…both of whom have white-yellow-tan coats. Lint rollers never get it all lmaoooo](https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=7519)
Gotta love em @Oaktavia
Gotta love em
Unconditionally…plus I can't not hug them and say hello in the morning before work! I keep a link roller by the front door.
…@Oaktavia photo's as requested:
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
…a few more around the pant legs but the pictures show the most obvious marbling.
…@Oaktavia photo's as requested:
Thanks for sharing dude. It may sound blasph-demin-emous, but I kind of like the way it looks…but I'll most likely steer away from the machine with my pair...for now.
…@Oaktavia yeah not a real big deal, kinda bummed out at first but they'll blend in through the years/wears I'm sure.
...@LewisStonehouse looks like the 888 cut fits you to a 'T'! Perfect!
...whats the black/blue thingy on your key ring? Enquiring minds need to know!
[mention]vaquero357 [/mention] Bah, I wouldn't worry about those! It took me a long time but I've stopped fussing over my denim. Some of the best faders on this site beat their denim to hell and back.
That said, when I have had those kinds of lines on my stuff, sometimes brushing them out with a boot brush (relatively clean one) fades them away.
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@vaquero357 nice fit…what boots are you rocking?
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Okay, that was not true, I still totally fuss about my denim, but I'm trying to stop
That said, I think that those marks on your BB look cool, [mention]vaquero357 [/mention] , so don't worry about it. They look like fades that'd come from working in them.
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…@LewisStonehouse looks like the 888 cut fits you to a 'T'! Perfect!
...whats the black/blue thingy on your key ring? Enquiring minds need to know!
@vaquero357 thanks man, I tend to bounce between the 888 and the 634, really enjoying the fit on this pair
unfortunately the little plastic thing on my keys isn’t very exciting - a fob to get into my office building
…@Oaktavia yeah not a real big deal, kinda bummed out at first but they'll blend in through the years/wears I'm sure.
I put my first pair of XHS through a hasty machine wash after only a few weeks to wear, after a bout of projectile vomiting from my then 2 year old (thanks Rota Virus).
They had marbling, white crease lines down the length and everything. I made them work jeans for about two months, did a load of wall building and dicking around in mud, and now they are my best ever pair:
…@neph93 @Paul9221 these baby's weren't a cheap date that's why initially I was like 'I just f*%$#@d my pants up'! But your'e right I'm cool with it now.
That being said I won't be as reckless with future wash routines. ::)
…@cool_breeze_ the boots are Ariat Heritage Ropers. Inexpensive boot. They were actually my son's and they were a little tight on him so I offered him $10.00 a boot and he bit!
I bought a black pair also.
Think these are just shy of about 100 wears. Ashy goodness coming through quite quickly now
These have just had their first run through the washer. Despite taking all of the usual precautions I’ve end up with a good amount of marbelling, but I’m not too worried
Despite taking all of the usual precautions I’ve end up with a good amount of marbelling, but I’m not too worried
Nor should you be. Glorious pair.
These have just had their first run through the washer. Despite taking all of the usual precautions I’ve end up with a good amount of marbelling, but I’m not too worried
I was warned about the marbling with my pair when asking other folks on here about how these turn out from machine washing…I understand how some may think this is undesirable but I like it! It makes me want to machine wash my 777s...the marbling complements the already established fades really well in my opinion. Though throwing them in a machine too soon, pre fade marks, would be much less desirable. My $.02.
And yep I’m all for machine washing, I got them caked in mud from a walk so they needed it