IHSH-259-RED - Ultra Heavy Flannel Small Block Check Western Shirt - Red
Looks good with either jacket, but I prefer it with the Vanson.
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Looks good with either jacket, but I prefer it with the Vanson.
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Perfect fit @gniquil, enjoy! It's just gonna get softer and softer with wear.
Looking good @twin, I was ever so close to picking this one up, making me have regrets
Kinda on the topic of this pattern, did anyone else notice the pillow cover on IG that was this pattern but green? It was on one of that Japanese IG Ironheart pages, can’t recall which. Possible future UHF?
@Giles, thanks for the info. It’s always cool to see stuff like this and, like the 207 and the 237, maybe one day it will be a shirt..
Always enjoy wearing this UHF.
@Bums_Fan Looking good!