IHSH-260-PPL - Ultra Heavy Flannel Tartan Check Western Shirt - Purple Rain
@b1lf - those are beautiful pics
Plus one. Great shots. Quite a special combo this. Glad they got the attention they deserve.
Wow @b1lf really love the shots you posted! Hope you’re enjoying the shirt as much as everyone else!
hey @b1fl–why don't you and your IHSH-260-PPL Ultra Heavy Flannel Tartan Check Western Shirt - Purple Rain
just get a room already!Thing is, I would be in love with this one too if I had it.
I can only hope for some of the new purple goodness that was hinted at in Japan for 2021.People tell me all the time about my love affair with IH...They say "hey, If you love it so much why dontcha marry it? "
That would still be illegal here in Germany.
hey @b1fl–why don't you and your IHSH-260-PPL Ultra Heavy Flannel Tartan Check Western Shirt - Purple Rain
just get a room already!lol
thanks guys, the shirt did all of the work here
Wish I would have bought one of these. Absolutely awesome looking flannel.
@Richard love that whole look. Def gotta add this purp to the collection one day
Thanks @Kfactor. Wearing this shirt a lot lately.
Gave this a wash (fourth wash?) on 40c and tumbled dried it for the first time, and it’s tightened up nicely across the chest. Thanks for the complement, fellas.