Random Announcements
do a closeup of the screen print Beats. . . pretty please
Sailor you are a class act & that's an awesome shirt.
One of the most interesting experiences in my 6 year association with Haraki, was taking to California for the first time. It was for a Self Edge party.
Prior to this visit, Haraki had very fixed views about how his stuff should be worn. At that party he saw young dudes, street dudes, hip dudes, old dudes all wearing his stuff in different ways.
It was a revalation to him and he was super excited, "never did I think I would see my stuff being worn in so many different ways - it's great"…....
Since that visit, the way he approaches design has changed.......
Just wanted this somewhere more people would see it. Really speaks volumes
Man I'm lucking out with the weather - don't have to work, spent all day in the sun (havin a beer out after my shower), and the coming days will also be very nice… I'm sure when I get back into work the collegues will remark that "they didn't know they had a black collegue"...
Well, what happens is the the minute a customer files a chargeback claim (and the feckers have 6 months to do that), the money will get debited from your account. The burden of proof is then upon you to prove that you shipped it etc etc. With 3D and proof of postage, you are pretty likely to win the argument, but until that time, you do not have accesss to the funds…......