IHSH-207 - The Almost-Crazy Check Ultra Heavy Flannel Western Shirt
I use whatever perfume free/dye free Target brand detergent when I can. Or Woolite Dark
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And thank you all for the advise
New fit pictures
Lovely shirt. It suits you very well @Indigohuntsman
I just found a XL @Jeanswerk in Switzerland. It's end of 2021! Pretty stoked. There still is a S left… Will send a fit pic.
Her some some pics of the X-Large.
Looking pretty great there @Peter Germann
Please bring this work of Art back!
I have to agree with @Vaperfavour1313. This shirt is my all-time favorite. Please re-issue!
I have to agree with @Vaperfavour1313. This shirt is my all-time favorite. Please re-issue!