IHSH-333-SAX - Ultra Heavy Flannel Blanket Check Western Shirt - Sax Blue
Yeah sorry about that Reuben! My school was a stones throw from their training grounds, could see em from the classroom. Everyone in the area supported them. ICF thugs galore. I’m conditioned to see those colours and just immediately think of WH. No hate against the shirt though, Olly looked great in it and I’ve no doubt others will too. Just not me
Good to have you back, btw
Maybe the UHF sleeper, if that’s even possible
@Tago Mago dig that handle of yours. Huge Can fan here!!!
We are in the same boat friend…already laying the ground work with the misses about this FW22!!
thanks @Mizmazzle , not my main genre tbh but there's just something about that album in particular that appeals to me. Anyway, enough off-topic. My two-pronged approach is this:
- I got a promotion and a raise
- I turn 40 this year, which depending on exact release neatly coincides with the release date of the shirt.
I reckon this is almost foolproof
- 13 days later
Is the dark color on this brown or maroon? On my phone it looks brown but on my computer it looks maroon.
- about a month later
Some real hard decisions will have to be made here.. this one looks too good to pass up on as well ! I was also wondering the same thing as it looks like a brown/ maroon under that burgundy, more pics would be greatly appreciated !
- 17 days later
In real life it’s more of a maroon than brown.
Surprised there’s not more chatter around this one, great color way as well.. unlucky for me I was looking for another blue and reddish like flannel this year and this one would fit the bill
I like the white snaps on this one.