Random questions to which you seek an answer
What would the IH equivalent to Samurai's S5000VX cut be?
Yes, I think the DC4 too. The 634 is a bit slimmer than the S5000VX, so the widest cut should be it. But the Sam's got a higher rise than the Dc, if I'm not mistaken.
I think the 5000 cut is a bit more loose through the thighs than the DC collab, but this is really a question for beautiful freak, our resident expert in all things Samurai.
It's 2:30 in the morning, my wife has been asleep for hours and I'm exhausted. My 3 year old son, however, is wide awake and refuses to stay in bed. I may have to shoot him.
That's my IH coaster he's playing with, by the way. I'm fully expecting him to toss it out our 14th floor window, because he's just that evil.
I still giggle about this post in Random Rants a couple of weeks ago, and am wondering…
Chris, do you still have an Iron Heart coaster? ???
. . . I may have to shoot him. . . because he's just that evil.
Madame, I think we should also ask if that little angel is still with us,
hehehehehehehe -
Anyone in USA have experience of sending a shirt over to the UK ? There's an awesome vintage Pendleton on Ebay that I'm looking at - shirt is 49.99USD and shipping to the UK is 40USD.
The postage fee seems a little high, or is that the going rate these days ?
Actually, looks like it's coming from Canada…
Never fear, Madame Buttonfly and Monday, both the coaster and Benjamin are still safe and sound.
I think that was the third night in a row he decided that he was going to party like a rockstar and I was getting dangerously cranky about it. Being exiled from our house because of construction delays hasn't helped my mood, for that matter.
My Samurai s0500jx cut is about the same as a s5000 and I think the 634 is a close match
What would the IH equivalent to Samurai's S5000VX cut be?
Never fear, Madame Buttonfly and Monday, both the coaster and Benjamin are still safe and sound.
I think that was the third night in a row he decided that he was going to party like a rockstar and I was getting dangerously cranky about it. Being exiled from our house because of construction delays hasn't helped my mood, for that matter.
I'm sure young Benjamin is an angel most of the time, but late nights do create little monsters as your photo captured so perfectly! Glad to hear both he and the coaster are safe and well, hope your house is ready very soon.
This was the advice I got to mt bitchogram:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by the unexpected maintenance we have had to perform on the server your account resides on. Our technical staff is working as quickly as possible to remedy the situation and you will not lose any of your media. This is not typical of our service.
Please check back midday today, 4/12/11.
Once you check back in, please clear your cache, refresh, close your browser window, then start with a fresh browser window and login.
Again, please accept our apologies.
This was the advice I got to mt bitchogram:
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by the unexpected maintenance we have had to perform on the server your account resides on. Our technical staff is working as quickly as possible to remedy the situation and you will not lose any of your media. This is not typical of our service.
Please check back midday today, 4/12/11.
Once you check back in, please clear your cache, refresh, close your browser window, then start with a fresh browser window and login.
Again, please accept our apologies.
Thanks Giles
Still doesn't seem to work for me, suppose it will come back later.