IHSH-41 - MK III Mini Herringbone Check Westerm
no - i do it in reverse Seul
i usually go Large in the workshirt which is about 22.5" and XL in westerns which is closer to 23" (22" feels too fitted) - it's only been that way because my first shirt was the heavy chambray workshirt and i felt that was a good fit and a Large western would then just be too snug to accommodate the beer cellar . . .
love it
So the workshirts do fit bigger…
I thought so too. Work shirts are made to be roomier I thought.
damn i thought i was going to just do the workshirt, than i see this . . . .
damn i thought i was going to just do the workshirt, than i see this . . . .
Get both ;D. Each has its own charms. You know you will regret not to ;). Decisions, decisions…..
Looks fantastic! Did we get clarification on it being straight up grey or having a slight purple hue?