Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
No problem seeing the pictures for me.
@Giles @Alex
This time I don’t want to ask for anything but rather I will tell my prediction on what You guys will release.
Let me also assure You that no corporate cyber espionage was used in obtaining this kind of information but rather something that we in the security community call open source intelligence.
At the end of the year or early in 2024 IH will release new new stretch denim in 21 oz. This time it will be in black.
Have a great weekend! -
How about putting the same double pocket that is on the IHJ-92 on the IHJ-75. The double pocket on the 92 is the best coat pocket I have had to date
We should hang in Stockholm’s archipelago. much sunscreen needed especially now but the colder the water the better visibility
There are really awesome wooden wrecks, preserved in really good condition as we don’t have shipworms.I have not really crystallized the idea what the new clothing could be, was counting on your commercial diving background. I’m quite sure you have seen the real hard stuff and faced conditions I’m not really exposing myself to (job has to be done regardless right?).
It should be something that withstands salt water, you can easily rinse it and keeps the insulating properties even when wet.
Thininsulate in one of versions is a good filler, but I was recently reading about aerogels and that seems to be the future of insulation.