2018 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
@UnTucked freakin love that jacket. I’d love to see it rerun but the fact that I like it means it probably sold poorly. Can’t even find it on the IH website.
You can search for the IHW-08, but I don't think the IHW-09 ever made it outside of Japan, probably due to the -08's selling poorly.
Yea it really needs the chest pockets IMO. Awesome piece.
Simmons Bilt
Red Wings -
[emoji3590] the Simmons & Aero jackets [emoji106]
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@neph93 damn you…I have one thing for you...
203 | 777-21 | RW
^^^Gangster, gentlemen! Straight gangster[emoji41]
555-03 with Vibergs and Division Road x Ginew jacket…
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@mister_m that vest is sweet
@RoxRocks86 you are a fox.
Very smart gentlemen, very smart indeed.
I do like the colour of that vest @sest, what sort of material is it? @den1mhead we need to see the MF coat with the Pharrel trousers
@steelworker beautiful shirt, and glad to see you got the IHG-083. Isn't it brilliant?
Thanks @neph93 love the 83 any heavier I'd walk like Groucho
"He may look like an idiot ,and talk like an idiot, but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot." -
I don't know how, @rocket , but you get away with those-purple? not really purple, sneaks. Great look.
And @neph93 is right, @RoxRocks86 you are a fox.
@Stuart.T this post is for you, Norwegian vistas and combat trousers. You’re welcome!
Custom Wesco BossBonus pretty pictures of the sun above the fjord where I live. It won’t get any higher than this today. It just bobs along the top of the mountains then fekks off about 3pm.
For those of you who don’t know, this is the time of year where I moan incessantly about the imminent disapperance of the sun on the forum. Shortly I’ll start whining about the darkness, then in January I’ll start get excited about the bloody thing coming back, like a dog waiting for it’s master. Given that I’ve experienced it for the last 18 years it’s a bit pathetic really. Please do ignore me.
I'm a nightbird @neph93 , but that darkness-I'd whine too. ???
Meetings and office attire:
IHJ-46 | Gitman
Coaching and dinner get up
IHJ-46 | 777-142 | 70s
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@neph93 , @steelworker - why thank you gentlemen
Def different than being called Roxanne da man
@JDelage & @xtcclassic -classic looks, gents, really cool.