2018 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
Pike Brothers Roamer Shirt Wabash Indigo
The North Face Trekking BootsLater (for an official business meeting)
Nudie Alberto Vest
J&J Norton Shirt
Lee 101Z 19oz
G-Star Patton BootsGesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Well, shit. Following a WAYWT pic from rocket is a surefire way to make mine look even worse than it would otherwise. We could be part of a tutorial- he's the "This is how to do it right" example and I'm the "This is how you definitely should not do it" example.
IH-634SII | IHSH-unknown -
Heimat, ihj35, mccoys muffler, prmeak performance, eternal 811, wesco, filson
I have not changed my clothes for about 2 weeks, approximately the time I bought my IHJ 71…
Tricker’sSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
NineLives SkyValley
IH purple check workshirt
Tender Co belt
Fullcount 1101
NB Black PackSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That jacket is so good, @Anesthetist. I will have to get something from Nine Lives one of these days…
What a
outfit. Now, if I was a girl, I would ask you to marry me
Polygamy acceptable in Austria?
Hey, if I was drunk enough you being a girl might not even be necessary ???
Seriously though, I showed your comment to my wife in an effort to convince her that my style of clothing had a larger positive audience than just her (she is obliged to like it, it comes with the job description). She said that she was actually more worried about me running off with bearded middle aged men than the 17 year old college girls I spend most of my days with
Ebbets Field Flannels
Wesco BossSent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
She said that she was actually more worried about me running off with bearded middle aged men than the 17 year old college girls I spend most of my days with
Same shit different day
Superblack day