IHSH-203 - Ultra Heavy Small Block Check Western in Red and Green
When's the expected fairytale release date for these? I haven't treated myself to a UHF in 2 years… the green is probably the best UHF i've ever seen.
Sorry guys, I found this and answered my own question. I'm sure it's annoying when I ask these questions because I don't take the time to read everything in the forum.
Yeah next month hopefully
Thanks for posting.
You're welcome
the green is probably the best UHF i've ever seen.
^^^^^^ Agree 110%
I definitely love that picture. I hope I am able to nab that shirt next week.
@kiya is Self Edge getting theese too?
Thanks Alex. This is going to be one of those shirts that I will be devastated If I miss out on. It's just too gorgeous.
From Supplies Blog Japan: https://blog.goo.ne.jp/hd-lifestyling-fashion/e/754c559cbea0b4789bc05d165c6688cb
That green is stunning