IH-555-XHSib - 25oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Jeans - Indigo/Black
@brobles @alexswords both of your 555 jeans are fading fast.
Stellar pairs. Those bright blues coming out really do stand out in the sun.
Oaktavia, the Electric Blue in that last pic is fantastic!
Oaktavia, the Electric Blue in that last pic is fantastic!
They are getting super soft too
how tight are you guys wearing the knees? i got my 888s tapered and my knee is 8.25'' 12 inches down the inseam. it is pretty snug but i still dont get honey combs.. maybe go for an even 8''? just worried ill bend at the knees and the pants will explode if i taper to 8'' lol
it is pretty snug but i still dont get honey combs.. maybe go for an even 8''?
Why do you equate a snug knee with honeycombs? Some of the greatest honeycombs you'll ever see are on 634's which have a huge flappy knee. Honeycombs come in from wearing your damn jeans. Walking, cycling, bending down, lifting. They aren't dependant on how snug the knee is.