@neph93 if instead of electric current we were talking about water, and instead of wire we were talking about a hose… image how a thinner hose lets a smaller amount of water through at one time and a thicker one more... then imagine water going through one of those curly drinking straws (a coil) the more winds on your drinking straw makes if more difficult for the water to flow... this is what makes the heat in these coils. Just like an electric stove basically.
But, my water pump (these batteries) can only safely pump so much water at a time (or they vent and explode)... so you need to use a hose that is both thin enough and has a path of lesser resistance than the what the water pump is rated for. And you want to align as many of these little curly straws as you can to pump as much water as you can. (Those twisty coils you see pictured above).
-So less resistance makes more heat faster. Anything under 1.0 ohm is referred to as 'sub-ohm' vaping. And the lower the resistance the more vapor is generated. But batteries have operating parameters for draining the voltage (or they explode).
-Larger diameter of coil in both wire thickness and coil wraps count, and internal diameter makes more resistance, less heat.
-different metals have different material properties and varying resistance.
So basically you want to generate a massive amount of heat in the shortest amount of time, to generate the largest possible amount of vapor. But you don't want to blow your face off doing it.
I can explain things in even further detail, because there is soooooo much more nuance to it and I am glossing over a lot.
Here are some specifications for some wire I was checking to see of I could use as coils. I have 5 pounds worth of it. If you see the Resistance is too low. .07 and that would drain too many amps for a 3.7 volt 35 amp battery.
They do have like big electronic hookahs. But the only thing I deal with fits in your pocket.
Also there's ridiculous stuff like this. But I think it is supposed to be a joke.
Then you have the variability of the liquid you’re using. Sweeter liquids can burn…and then there’s wicking and airflow that can affect the heat of your’s part physics and part magic I’m convinced
I have a device that’s really big and heavy that has yet to leave my house. It takes four batteries (most devices take one or two) and holds 18ml of liquid (most devices only hold between 3-7).
I can set it up to be obscenely powerful but mostly I like it because once it’s set up it’s good for awhile and it’s pretty hard to lose. I think I posted up a photo further up on the thread but here it is again
I got fed up with juice bottles leaking in my bags. So I got a couple of these 30 ml flasks. The inside is silicone and the outside is stainless and aluminum. They are really awesome and definitely do not leak.
I highly suggest them if you can find them. They are made by Geekvape.
They are threaded for squonking and also have a great tip for dripping. The silicone operates effortlessly for filling because it is so soft.
Those are glass or plastic are they not?
Nice. Thanks.
I got a new DNA 200 box today. Solid copper.
Yeah it weighs a ton. Feels like about 2 pounds. Super happy with it. I was doing some calculations and I still have 70% head room on a .09 ohm setup at 100 watts. So much power.
So, I think I finally got the coils on the Kennedy 20700 dialed in…
22 ga Nichrome 90, .14 ohms, and 14 percent headroom on a 35 amp/11c 20700 battery.
8 wraps, spaced out (easier to fit between the posts) 3.5 mm, with some semi-snug cotton bacon prime. I'm finding cotton bacon works better than a cotton pad/Scottish roll. Spaced out performs better than in contact, at least in this application.
I get about 15-20 big clouds chain vaping, off 10 drops.
It's a nice a smooth cool vape, plenty of clouds and flavor, and the cotton lasts several days without getting funky.
Oh, forgot like 7mm legs on my coils for like a 3 percent increase in resistance than if they were shorted out.
@DougNg I just bought the Steam Crave Titan like you have and the Glazer V2. It's crazy how big it is. I wonder how long it will take to arrive from China?
Ok cool. Thanks