Naked & Famous
how i always saw buying N&F (along with APC or Nudies) was like being at a good school (dry, premium, selvedge denim) and maintaining a B average. Why not do your homework and get the good grade denim?
But you need to know the differences so you can fully appreciate them. For Example - nothing wrong, if your first whisky is The Black Bowmore or Macallan 30 YO Sherry Cask. But it's much more fun to learn the differences and evolve from, let's say, Bushmills. You know what I mean? At least, that's my opinion and experience
The only mistake you can do is to stick with average stuff, as is in everything (music, clothes, people, …), not to start with it.
agree with you max power.
But you need to know the differences so you can fully appreciate them. For Example - nothing wrong, if your first whisky is The Black Bowmore or Macallan 30 YO Sherry Cask. But it's much more fun to learn the differences and evolve from, let's say, Bushmills. You know what I mean? At least, that's my opinion and experience
The only mistake you can do is to stick with average stuff, as is in everything (music, clothes, people, …), not to start with it.
i do get where you are coming from, and while i am not fully versed in whiskey (yet) i also see where you're going with this. but it really does not take too long, maybe a couple of weeks of casually looking online and a couple of in-store trips, to really get a good idea of what the most followed, loved, and admired brands are. Thats a reason why you always see iron heart, flat head, samurai, PBJ, and dior (they really did change the game with them cm cuts) CONSTANTLY on the first page of Sufu. not to say that perhaps it is a good idea to try your hand at less costly 'starter' jeans, just in case the dry denim philosophy isnt for you, but i see it as an unnecessary step.
i never found naked and famous to be all that enticing as a brand, but i'm not gonna knock what other people dig. not everyone is going to pay $400 for a pair of jeans, and most people aren't like "us". Let em do their thing, we'll just look cooler.
Here is something interesting they Released a Jean that fade White to blue
Here is something interesting they Released a Jean that fade White to blue
bells and whistles. these are going to go down as "good idea, bad result".
the fact that the jeans are white to begin with are going to turn away a large portion of their target audience (hence posted on hypebeast for the rest of their demographic) and even after wearing down into the blue hue, the longer you wear them they will only go white again. there is very little chance the blue under the white will stay blue. odds are it will eventually turn white as well and you'll be stuck with a white pair of jeans. cute concept, just not something i think many people would take seriously who are serious into japanese and artisan denim.
I personally like natural colour jeans, By natural I mean non treated seed cotton look. yes your right no real denim head would really be interested. But is a very unique idea.
I don't know how they did it but there is plenty of way to dye blue so it doesn't fade. But it won't be indigo….
^It's not that unique, Nudie did something like that last summer and a few seasons ago too. It was the Big Bengt and Slim Jim cut, don't remember the exact name.
Still I haven't seen a "faded" pair and doubt that it works at all. As far as I know, Indigo doesn't dye the core of the cotton fibre and thus gives way toa lighter shade of blue when abrasions occur. Dunno how this should work there.
the reverse fade jean may be the weirdest article of clothing i've ever seen. somewhat intriguing, but absolutely ridiculous.
as far as N&F goes, their cuts for girls look phenomenal. as far as their other jeans, i've never seen one that i was particularly into. although, a dude on sufu has a pretty rad looking pair.
. . . thing is most peeps buy what they think is good denim and then learn what is good denim . . . mostly it's an iterative process - sometimes you get lucky and start with IH, but most of us start elsewhere and end up with IH
we shouldn't criticize the journey . . . but we should celebrate the destination
. . . thing is most peeps buy what they think is good denim and then learn what is good denim . . . mostly it's an iterative process - sometimes you get lucky and start with IH, but most of us start elsewhere and end up with IH
we shouldn't criticize the journey . . . but we should celebrate the destination
tbh, there's nothing wrong with N&F imo, yes, Iron Hearts are better, but forum members still buy flathead. It depends on what you're looking for. I do prefer IH to N&F of course. But, I'm not going to actively discriminate against N&F solely because IH is better.