2011 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
needs me a climbing frame,,,best wait till me girly gets home,,,,she can hold the camera,,,and fone for the meatwagon
They look really good beats, I like them both.
As for upside down IJ, I'd probably get written up for attempting it here at work but at least I'm close to
the ER! -
If I was second or third shift I could probably get away with it but us first shitfers are watched a lot more…
At least we get our x-rays for free Cris!
Absolutely, me too, love the gang at central supply!!!
Tape, band aids, little plastic boxes, we have tooth paste and brushes here…lots of goodies!
Nice gesture there Cris, when I get tattooed I always take a box of tape to Rachel ( my tattooist ).
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Great pic DS! Hey, did you steal my doormat last night???!
Og ih