IHSH-237-BLK - Ultra Heavy Flannel Crazy Check Western Shirt - Black
Oh that looks goooood
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Damn, this shirt is great
Decided to give my XL a boiling hot soak with a nice window air dry. Once it came out of the water i stretched the side seems vertically and carefully stretched the front by buttoning the shirt and pulling in both directions vertically and very carefully in the back. The results were a much better fit in the shoulders, and body, the sleeves tightened up and i finally achieved the length i was after. just thought i'd share in the case anyone else was wondering about soak results!
@alexswords Nicely done! Don't suppose you took pre and post measurements for the geeks amongst us?
@AdamJ indeed I did sir! You’ll notice the length of the shirt is longer than the pre soak measurement!! I was very careful when stretching the shirt vertically to make sure none of the material was overly strained. I’m quite pleased with the results.
@alexswords did you agitate at all or just soak?
@manufc10 no agitation. just let it soak for an hour. About half way through added a giant pot of boiling water to the tub. Carefully hung it up and stretched the side seems, front and back to get the length i was after. let it air dry for 48 hours. perfecto
@manufc10 no agitation. just let it soak for an hour. About half way through added a giant pot of boiling water to the tub. Carefully hung it up and stretched the side seems, front and back to get the length i was after. let it air dry for 48 hours. perfecto
Thanks for the input. I gave my workshirt version a hot soak last night (no boiling water or stretching of the side seems) so I'm curious to see what kind of shrinkage I got.
@alexswords Dude, that is a killer look, top-to-bottom. Cool as hell. Respect.
You rocking some cap-toed Viberg CXL Roughouts there?
@dreigh thanks brother! boots are actually Truman Boot Co. custom roughout with Christy Vibram sole and a little GAH bling
A heads up to all, if anyone is still looking for XXL, selfedge is still showing 4 available.
Even better in person.
Heads up to all, was on the SelfEdge web site this morning noticed they're showing 1 xxxl in stock of this beauty!
Quick question on UHF.. Do these "relax" or give a little more with a soak/wash?
The reason being is my 237 is a bit snug despite getting the correct size. I had a similar concern with my indigo kersey but after soaking/washing it, it's gotten a lot more forgiving. Does UHF behave similarly?
Washed my 239 and 40c on no spin and got a touch of shrinkage but I found it loosened up pretty quickly after wearing it again. Only noticeable loss was around 0.2 in the sleeve length…
They definitely relax again with wear from any initial tightening. That summarises my experience pretty well.