Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
Does anyone have a blog/livefeed that they like for covid19 news?
Looking for a place that is collating information/articles about school closings, agency closings, etc.
Asking for a friend who is looking for a centralized place so he can make informed decisions for his office. -
i thought I’d share the news that Norway has gone into partial lock down. All kindergartens, schools and uni’s are closed as are all non essential public services. All businesses where people are in touch with food or gather are to be closed from 1800 hours today with the exception of food stores. Interesting times.
Sorry to change the subject but I thought I’d share the news that Norway has gone into partial lock down. All kindergartens, schools and uni’s are closed as are all non essential public services. All businesses where people are in touch with food or gather are to be closed from 1800 hours today with the exception of food stores. Interesting times.
I'm still waiting for the city to close the public schools here. I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic, if past pandemics are anything to go by. The world economy will definitely take a hit but it will eventually bounce back. Just wished more people would exercise common sense when these things happen. I know a guy who was planning a trip to Greece this June but he bought his tickets back in January, so may not be eligible for a refund. I told him he should still look into getting a refund or take the loss. If Italy is in lockdown then there's no telling how many other countries will follow suit. He went on to explain to me how cheap lodging is right now and my response was, "is cheap lodging worth the risk of contracting Covid-19 and bringing it back with you?"
I'm really looking forward to being one of the few groups of people who still will be working throughout the inevitable lockdown… I mean: even Italy hasn't closed supermarkets yet...
[/quote]Oh dear God not the liquor stores… ??? -
A high school kid in Seattle made a website to track stats. Not sure if it has all the info you’re looking for, but it’s been getting a lot of attention. [[\URL]
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A high school kid in Seattle made a website to track stats. Not sure if it has all the info you’re looking for, but it’s been getting a lot of attention. [[\URL]
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This is helpful, thanks so much
If anyone find anything else please let me know]([\URL]<br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk<br /><br />This is helpful, thanks so much<br /><br />If anyone find anything else please let me know)
Tonight Paula and I went to dinner with Haraki and few others, including Akashi, the guy who makes the UHF's. So guess what? we got around to talking about them.
Interesting fact.
Because UHF is so heavy, if we used a regular shirt pattern to make UHF shirts, the collar would stand far too high on the neck and look ridiculous, this is because the angle of the shoulders would push the collar up, as the double thickness of the material is so unyielding. So Haraki has reduced the angle of the shoulders (compared to other shirts) to counter this tendency. The result is that when laid flat, the shirt looks ungainly because the angle is so shallow, but this results in a clean look when worn….
I know I'm biased and have a "slight" tendency for hyperbole, but I do truly believe that there are so many cool things about UHF's, that I can justifiably claim that they are the best flannels in the world, bar none
Not to take away from the global chaos Covid-19 is causing, I agree @neph93, these are interesting times indeed!
On the topic of UHFs, @Giles, the above is a no bullshit statement!
The first IH shirt I purchased was a IHSH-75 two years ago, I love it! I had just started looking at Ironheart and, at the time was getting more into high end shirts….been doing the denim thing for I decided I needed some nicer shirts. I started reading about UHFs in my research on the perfect denim worshirt, hence the above, once I figured out what UHF stood for 8), I set my sights on procuring one. My first UHF was a sale grab from Selfedge, the wonderful purple 130. Without hyperbole, when I pulled it out of the box I was in huge grinning awe! It was stunning. I had never in my life had a flannel like this. They are the heaviest, most comfortable, on point fitting flannels in existence!
I had found the perfect flannel shirt, many of the past beauty's make me wish much sooner! I now own six and counting
Thank you!
The school I work at is closed indefinitely since yesterday…. so 14 days at least. My wife cant go to work because I work at that school and my kids cant go to daycare for the same reason.... up good old CT of the USA! stuff is getting crazy around here.
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Yep. Getting serious in Canada as well. Ontario seconday schools will be closed for two weeks after March break. Our prime minister and his wife are in self isloation mode. A few universities are contemplating online lesson as well. No NBA / NHL / MLS games for the time being.
Quite surprised the schools aren’t being shut in the U.K yet. Thought they would of announced it today. Government seems to think we are a few weeks away from it getting really bad. Dunno how much faith I have in them getting it right. They don’t seem to get much right.
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Did you know Covid-19 can be said to the tune of Come On Eileen?
It doesn't make the pandemic any better, but it makes talking about it more fun.
Quite surprised the schools aren’t being shut in the U.K yet. Thought they would of announced it today. Government seems to think we are a few weeks away from it getting really bad.
Without getting party political, that shower of shite are not to be trusted to get anything right. It is mind boggling that stricter measures aren’t in place in the UK. The general consensus here is that what happened in Norway today happened about three days too late.
Every country is different and there are a lot of variables that will affect the spread but from what I know of both countries and their cultures I’d suggest the risk of epidemic spread and large numbers of deaths is larger in the UK than many others.
I am reading an awful lot about CV and trying to understand exactly what is happening.
Frankly, I am appalled at the politicization of the situation.
I don't want this to become a political conversation. But for fuck's sake politicians and the media, sometimes it is time to drop the bullshit and focus on fact.
I've been using this Johns Hopkins University site for stats:
I am reading an awful lot about CV and trying to understand exactly what is happening.
Frankly, I am appalled at the politicization of the situation.
I don't want this to become a political conversation. But for fuck's sake politicians and the media, sometimes it is time to drop the bullshit and focus on fact.
I liked that Merkel just came out and said it as the bluntly as possible:
We are all practicing social distancing or isolation (kids are going nuts) for the most part in my neighborhood and town.
I basically have to watch for symptoms for the next 13 days since I may have been exposed, but honestly the way this thing is going I thinks it's more "when" than "if".
The exposure was so bad in the town I work, you had 20 people who were directly exposed to a confirmed case and are experiencing symptoms currently who then each interacted with at least 20 people each, so it just grew exponentially in a matter of 6 days….
You can't find any cleaning products in any stores or hand sanitizers, so tomorrow I'm heading out to buy more booze, ibuprofen and tylenol (adults and kids) for when the fever hits (and hopefully it never does and I waste a few bucks). So crazy....
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