How Do I Post A Photo or Upload An Image
There are two ways to upload images.
You can 'quick upload' an image from beneath the reply field by clicking the 'Upload images' button or dragging and dropping an image from your file explorer.
If you are writing a post from the primary reply function, you can click the image upload thumbnail in the function bar to add an image. The image preview will automatically display in the preview field on the right. Drag and drop functionality is also present here.
Hi, I try to upload an image but end up with an error....
Error....something went wrong while parsing server response
For what it's worth, I just made my first posting with images included, and I had a heck of a time getting them to be visible. Neither of the upload methods worked for me - I got a small logo in place of the image. I finally had to take my images from Flickr (BBCode option), delete the extra tags that Flickr puts around the URL, and paste them between the tags the forum creates for using images from a hosting service.
I'm not sure what changed, but on the old forum I could just copy the BBCode URL from Flickr, paste it into my thread, and the images would show. This doesn't work on the new forum any other way than what I described above.
I hope this doesn't come off as a complaint, just feedback from someone who has some experience posting images on forums. Not an expert, but experienced enough to generally get by.
@Alex, they are all JPEGs. Perhaps they were too large (2.2 MB apiece)?
- To illustrate, here's what it looks like when I upload an image (these are all the same image):
- Here's what it looks like when I paste the BBCode link directly from Flickr - this is how I posted images on the old forum:
[url=][img][/img][/url][url=]20230407_161147[/url] by [url=]jimmacnair[/url], on Flickr
- You can see that the red section of the previous block of text is the actual live URL. When I delete all the black text around it, ir still doesn't show the image:
- So now I took the actual URL and clicked the "Image link button" and pasted it in between the tags that the new forum creates ( ), and now it works:
No problem, I'll send it now from my Gmail.
Agreed, that is not working - but it must have something to do with the image file. @jtaylor69 any ideas?
Alex, these are just images that I took with my Samsung Galaxy S21 and transferred from the phone to my PC. Sorry to turn this into an investigation!
Regardless, I hope my previous post is helpful if anyone else has trouble with images.
The file format of the image that you guys tried to upload shows as .jpg.jpg
Perhaps the one .jpg in the file name is too many and needs to be deleted so the image can be converted to a regular .jpg file?
I tried that to no avail, @cityofdelusion
Also you wont be able to use bbcode unfortunately as this is not supported by NodeBB and other modern forums. You'll need to convert or use Markdown instead
Thank you all for your help. To paraphrase the late great Phil Hartman, "I'm just a caveman, your multiple jpeg formats and modern forum coding frighten and confuse me!"