Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
I am completely biased about Wilco because I was in school in Columbia, MO during the Uncle Tupelo days and got to see Wilco and Son Volt’s early shows at the Blue Note after the UT breakup. Met Jeff Tweedy a few times too and have seen them more times than I can remember. One of my all-time favorite bands.
@GraemeE I could definitely see that. My dad had a bunch of Dead albums when I was growing up (which I now have) and I always appreciated them, but my later adolescent years kind of deterred me from that world due to the shitty frat boys that gave me lots of shit as a kid in Mississippi. For them, the Dead and Phish (who I still loathe, pretty much) were less bands to like and more stickers you bought to stick on the Yakima on the brand new 4Runner your parents bought you.
I opened back up to the idea of them as I got a little older though, and I'm glad I did. I'm not sure what it was exactly that brought me back, but I particularly gravitated (and still do) towards the '71 houseboat tapes era live recordings when they were a slim 5-piece. Greasy and a lot less noodly, more my thing.
I remember Nels' introduction into Wilco — I saw them in Philly on the AGIB tour and subsequently had my mind blown by that and the Kicking Television record. As a guitar nerd, Nels is easily in my top 5 faves, really unparalleled in so many ways. That solo on Impossible Germany is one of the most beautiful pieces of playing I've ever heard.
I feel like Tweedy's playing on AGIB is sort of overlooked. MAN that bit on At Least That's What You Said. Oy, the fucking best.
I could probably talk about Wilco for days.
I don't know what my fave is, would probably be too hard to pick. I'd probably lean Being There / Sky Blue Sky / AGIB. I mean, obviously YHF but tbh it's not the one I usually go to first.
@popvulture full circle to orourke and cale:
Cline can do wild cacophonous noise and beautiful popHis lovers album is another must have record for me at some point
@popvulture I’ve read about Jeff’s preparation for AGIB and he took guitar lessons I think (memory fails me from whom) to become a better soloist. I think his wife gave him the lessons as a birthday present? Anyway agree totally about his solo.
Have you guys listened to any of the stuff Nels has done with Julian Lage? Beautiful as well.
Ooh I have not. My GF got me that Julian Lage record for xmas though, the new one with Bill Frisell on it. Fuckin hell it's pretty.
@popvulture and truly “Impossible Germany” is easily one of the best live performances I’ve ever heard. I’ve seen it live multiple times and the guitar solo and crescendo that follows always knocks me out.
@SKT YES! They've played that live every time I've seen em since SBS came out, and I think people pretty much demand it at this point. It's been so damn good every single time.
Slightly off topic, but couldn't let a pic of This Year's Model pass by without saying that Costello's another person I could talk about all day. Took this crappy pic of my records just to give a nod to the bandwidth that guy takes up on my shelves. I'm eternally obsessed.
@popvulture Dude that’s an amazing collection! This Year’s Model has been one of my top five albums since I started listening to music as a kid. My copy is my dad’s from ‘78. I was basically brought up on that album. I need to fill in the gaps from the rest of his career though.